You are probably wondering why I am blogging about Bacacay. You might say there are so many stuff to write about, but why Bacacay? Here’s the full story .
I was born and raised in Bacacay. As a child, I had a joyous life in this humble place. It is where I experienced the many “FIRSTs” in life. I have spent almost 25 years in Bacacay with my big and happy family from whom I learned positive values that (I swear) one should acquire. My first playmates were my elder siblings. We used to play ‘tagu-taguan (hide and seek), darakupan, salgo, tumbang lata, ralabtikan, magdakop ki diwit (dragonfly catching) and things that the children of today no longer do because of the advent of computer games. I am into computer games now, but I must admit the games I used to play then were more liberating and enjoying.

These many firsts in life have greatly shaped me into what I am now. My family and the place where I have spent most of my lifetime are of great influence in my being that they have left a deep mark in my heart.
It is just so sad however that I had to leave Bacacay and be away from my loved ones because of my work. Now, I am in the busy city of Manila working as a web content writer. Being detached from home is never easy. Now I understand the sacrifices and miseries of those working outside the country. Like me, they must be missing their home, too.
I know there are many Bacacayanos around the world and I sincerely dedicate this blog to them. With this blog, I hope to be able to make them feel they are home again. I want to make them smile and experience Bacacay once more because after all, THERE’s NO PLACE LIKE HOME.
Hence, to all my readers, join me as I embrace my home again. Feel free to visit my blog and help me share it to others who are missing their humble home, too – Bacacay.
Nice post Ry. Yes, I do miss Bacacay too and there's no really place like HOME.
Bacacay is truly a peaceful and lovely place any family could dream of.
juz luv your post. As my popular quotation says "Abnormality Sickens the Heart" in bikol "An abno ABNO", namundo ka ta abno ka baga! hehehehe joke. seriously, UMULI KA NA nani dae ka mamundo. mwah!
tnx glad and watss... ur comments inspire me to blog more.. hehehe
pls add my blog in ur list.. tnx ulit
Nostalgic, i like it. I have my firsts too in Bacacay. We made our first jamming.
Jamming utro kita padi pag-uli mo digdi sa province. i miss you.
tnx jho... metrowalk na lng kita pirmi... alak pa.. hehehe
Awww... I feel for you Ry. Ok lang yan, Rhe,Carl&I will always be here for you..
Hmmm... With that, let’s have some RETAIL Therapy!!!hehehe..
Congrats by the way with this BLOGspot of yours! Goodluck! Mwaaah!=)
hahhaha! oo na,add ko na nga ika! miss you,gurl! miss ko ng i-hug ka huhuhu! i'l see you on august 2, ohryt?
congratttsss!!! finally, u got your own place now in the world wide web! make it your outlet! use it to let the world know when you're having your happiest moments! fire it out through this place of yours when you're on your saddest times! make the whole world know you are here! welcome, my baby love!!!!!!!!!mwuuaahh!!!!
Yeah.. makamundo talaga pag narayo sa family and sa mga friends. 'Yan din nafeel ko noong bagong salta akez d2. Don't worry masasanay ka rin.
weeeeee! blogger k na nhe. bonggacious! Congrats! I'm loooking forward to your next post...tc
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